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Children's Area Coordinators


  • The Children's Area is found at Location 5 on Map)

  • This assignment includes planning Children's Activities

  • Manage the native plants along the edges and under the Weeping Cherry (T5 on Map)

  • Work that must be done on group work project day to get this area cleaned and ready come early spring

  • Remove bagged concrete and stones alongside the nursery on digging garden side.

  • Remove all debris and toys.

  • Digging garden should have pots, pails, trowels, rakes & shovels only. No Toys! It is not a playground!

  • Make paths in front of the seating areas with bricks.

  • Manage lattices to designate boundaries.

6/15 Green: A Community Garden in South Slope, Brooklyn, NY (6th Ave. & 15th St.)

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