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Member Responsibilities

  1. DUES — Each member household is required to pay annual dues. Returning households may renew their membership, normally at the January, February, or March meetings or the March work weekend. New members can normally join in March or April. Compost membership is open year-round. Membership dues pay for maintenance and operation expenses. New keys will be issued to each gardener each year after dues are paid. A key payment is required for each new key and each returning member key in years when locks are changed. The current year's dues can be found on the page with instructions for how to Renew.

  2. MEETINGS — Member Households are expected to regularly attend the Monthly Member Meetings, visible on our Calendar. They are your opportunity to learn about garden activities, participate in key decision-making, and make your voice heard. It is the responsibility of each individual household to keep informed of the issues and concerns facing the garden. Please notify a member of the steering committee if you cannot attend. Minutes will be made available online and posted in the garden.

  3. ACTIVITIES — Our garden’s ability to thrive and succeed in our mission depends on the active, ongoing involvement of our members. With this in mind, every member must either care for an assigned Community Growing Area, or fulfill one of the functions on the list of Coordinator roles or Teams you can join.

  4. OPEN HOURS—Every household must serve at least 4 two-hour shifts of Open Hours as a Garden Attendant, each year. A description of duties, and a link for signups, can be found on the Open Hours page.

  5. GROUP PROJECTS—All households are required to help with some of the group garden projects on the second weekend of every month. Specific tasks include seasonal projects, construction projects, and overall maintenance and will be listed on the bulletin board. This is an opportunity to meet your fellow members, learn gardening skills, and maintain the garden for the community. These are major projects and can only be completed with the help of everyone working together. Be sure to sign in at each work weekend to ensure you receive credit for your participation. Please notify a steering committee member if you cannot attend.

  6. SNOW—During winter months, we are required to clear snow and ice from the sidewalks. The Snow Removal Coordinator will contact members when help is needed. Not all members will be needed for this.

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